Project summary

Human Body And Voice Are the Best Instruments

This project is designed to stimulate the students´ awareness of their own cultural identity within the united Europe at the project purpose level by means of learning the national traditions and history of the co-partner countries. A part of the project is thematically focussed on the reality of the Holocaust and its reflexion in a variety of art forms. By means of international exchange of graphic documents, information, reports and of regular contacts with students of the partner schools as well as of the team work within their own schools the final product, i.e. a series of exchanged cultural events including seminars, workshops, exhibitions and, above all, theatre performances (music, drama, dancing etc.) would be materialized. A broader community (representatives of the local and regional authorities and cultural and educational bodies) will be welcome to attend these events and presented with the results of the project (CDs, brochures etc.)

The project will be integrated into a number of curriculum subjects making use, to a high extent, of modern technologies (the Internet, digital photo and video, various computer software).

Participation in the project should improve the students´ social adaptability, their cultural and historical awareness, enable them to overcome various historical, cultural, ethnic or racial misconceptions and prejudice often resulting in xenophobic behaviour. At the project impact level the desired objective is a better social-cultural environment in regions with an ethnically, culturally and socially non-homogenous population structure.

Copyright © 2006 Ondrej Cerny, last actualisation: